Digital Twin Munich

The digital image of the City of Munich for analyses, simulations and what-if scenarios. The Digital Twin is being built and further developed as a joint effort of the city family.

Our Vision

The Digital Twin is the digital heart of Munich, the city of the future. It can be used to meet the challenges of the Smart City Munich with innovative solutions.

The Urban Data Platform is the central data hub of the Digital Twin. It is used to network formerly separate stand-alone solutions into a common ecosystem for the city. This enables the city administration to digitize its processes which aids innovation and the realization of new ideas. Changes are visualized in advance and citizens are better involved in decisions.

Key future issues such as climate protection, future-oriented mobility or integrated urban development can be best implemented by the city family using the Digital Twin.

International Forum on Urban Digital Twins

International Forum on Urban Digital Twins

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Now available online:


Results of the funding project Digital Twin Munich (DT-M)

The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport supports measures for the digital transformation of urban mobility in German cities and municipalities. With the nationwide funding guideline "Digitalization of municipal transport systems", the federal government is making an important contribution to climate and health protection in Germany. Within this context the funding project "Digital Twin of the City of Munich to improve the spatial database for traffic planning and control measures with the overarching goal of air quality improvement" was conducted in Munich. The first results are now available online:

Components of the Digital Twin

Digitaler Zwilling Symbolbild Urban Data Platform

Urban Data Platform

The IT components of the Digital Twin are composed of an external showcase (GeoPortal Munich) and the server components behind it. The servers consist primarily of the Munich geodata infrastructure and the sensor data infrastructure currently under construction for processing and providing real-time information. By networking with other platforms, the data technology core of the digital twin is thus created: the Urban Data Platform Munich. This offers numerous interfaces to connect further specialized applications. Get an overview with the help of the following video: "What is the Digital Twin of Munich?"

Digitaler Zwilling Symbolbild Anwendungsbeispiele

Application Examples

In many projects, the digital twin enables the integration of real data to realize the research and development of new concepts for Munich. In this way, extensive "what-if" scenarios can be simulated. For example, for the challenges of climate protection, urban mobility or for innovative approaches to urban development. You can find more information about simulations and analyses with the Digital Twin Munich in the following video: "Simulations and Analyses with the Digital Twin Munich"

Digitaler Zwilling Symbolbild Daten


The basis for the Digital Twin Munich is detailed geodata. These are available in 2D and as a 3D city model. The database is continuously being further developed. Mobile mapping plays a central role in this process. Data from the city administration, the public utility company and the Munich transport company add extensive specialized information to the database. The integration of real-time data such as weather data, noise or air pollution measurements, and traffic volumes is particularly relevant for a digital representation of the real city. Data protection is always at the center of this process. In the video you will get a further insight into the data basis: "Data maintenance for the Digital Twin Munich"


Tag der Vermessung und Geoinformation

Day of Surveying and Spatial Data 2025

A Perspective of the GeodataService Munich

„Map of cool places in Munich“ in the GeoPortal

High summer temperatures in cities are a significant health risk, especially for vulnerable groups - cool places can help.

Preisverleihung Innovationspreis 2024

„And the innovation award 2024 goes to…”

At the end of this year's innovation contest by the City of Munich, the award ceremony took place at the Munich Urban Colab on July 23, 2024.

Pedestrian frequencies - sensors and the vibrancy of the city

How sensors for measuring pedestrian traffic contribute to the "revitalization of city centers”.

Stand des Digitalen Zwilling Münchens - Festival der Zukunft

The Digital Twin Munich at the Festival of the Future 2024

Three days of innovative ideas and technologies for a better future!

3D planning visualization with the Digital Twin Munich

A climate-resilient old town with the Digital Twin Munich

The Digital Twin Munich helps to identify heat islands and specifically supports the planning of measures to adapt to climate change.


International Forum on Urban Digital Twins: Presentations

The videos of the keynote and presentations at the International Forum on Urban Digital Twins on September 12, 2023 are now available online.


International Forum on Urban Digital Twins

A review of the International Forum on Urban Digital Twins at the Munich Urban Colab in September 2023: Everything concerning the topic of Urban Digital Twins.

Learn more about the Digital Twin

Role of the Digital Twin in Our City

As mayor I’m excited about this digital image of our innovative City of Munich. All departments of the city administration can contribute to it, and everyone benefits from it – especially our citizens. This is a true joint effort to shape digitization for the benefit of our city. Virtually, we can then test things together that will help us in the real world.

3. Bürgermeisterin Verena Dietl
Verena Dietl 3rd Mayor

The Digital Twin makes Munich tangible for both urban planning and the city's society. It connects the expertise within the city and makes the opportunities of urban planning visible for a modern Munich. I am pleased to show the citizens here as well what digitalization is bringing for them and for the city.

Dr. Laura Dornheim City Councillor and CDO

The Digital Twin has the potential to make public administration more efficient and to support it in many of the challenges of our time. A large number of on-site appointments will be replaced by the digital twin. An extremely important contribution to administrative action becoming more efficient, economical and modern. At the same time, we can communicate with the citizens of Munich even more transparent through simulations and analyses.

Jacqueline Charlier City Councillor

The Digital Twin represents a significant stride towards digitized environmental planning. It allows us to analyze real-time environmental data using comprehensive digital infrastructure and identify potential correlations, such as with current traffic conditions. The ability to simulate measures in the Digital Twin beforehand adds substantial value to the plans for a climate-neutral and low-pollution city.

Christine Kugler City Councillor and Head of the Department of Climate and Environmental Protection

The Digital Twin enables us to conduct comprehensive integrated mobility planning. Interactions with topics such as environmental protection, urban development, and spatial usage can be analyzed and simulated in scenarios. The potential of the data collected today and in the future is fully leveraged. We can vividly present new measures for efficient mobility, which also facilitates decision-making with the stakeholders.

Georg Dunkel
Georg Dunkel City Councillor and Head of the Mobility Department

Technical solutions like the Digital Twin enable innovative approaches and new solutions for various urban development challenges. Through the simulation and visualization of 'what-if' scenarios, the Digital Twin can support planning considerations and decisions, strengthening information exchange and communication with the urban community.

Prof. Dr. (University of Florence) Elisabeth Merk City Councillor and Head of the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations

The Digital Twin underscores the city of Munich's ability to innovate. This cross-departmental tool is a crucial element for shaping Munich's urban space and, consequently, for enhancing the attractiveness of the economic hub.

Clemens Baumgärtner City Councillor and Head of the Department of Labor and Economic Development

The Digital Twin has great potential to plan public transportation and related infrastructure construction projects even more efficiently. A multitude of on-site meetings could be replaced by the Digital Twin - this would also have a significant business benefit!

Dr. Maximilian Störzer Head of Digital Strategy of Stadtwerke München

Geoinformatics is the driving force behind digitalization in cities. The GeodataService is the central competence center for geodata management and has over 40 years of experience in handling digital data. The Digital Twin represents the next major innovation, providing the city family with a central component for good governance.

Sigrid Koneberg Head of the GeodataService

Press Reports

Partners and Network

Departments of the City of Munich

The Digital Twin Munich is being built and further developed in close cooperation between the GeodataService in the Department of Communal Services, the IT Department and the municipal departments. This also involves close collaboration with other partners.

More Partners

Funding Projects

Contact the Digital Twin Munich Team

City of Munich

Department of Communal Services
